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Clan Member Mahick shares her story of her trip from the most western European club to the most eastern! Thanks to Mahick for letting us repost here. The lead into the story appears on the front page of the City Tribune, available on shop shelves now!


Passport- check, visa- check, base layer- check, lotsofotherlayers- check, padded boots, hand warmers and every-other-part warmers, thermals and fleeces check. 1.30am Wednesday time to go- oops, hipflask – check!!The Connacht Clan trek to Siberia begins. Gathering the flock at the Coach Station, Heathrow and Moscow Airport by our arrival in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, at 9.00am Thursday (7 hour time difference) our ranks have swollen to six, and we are welcomed by Zhanna (a Russian who met a cousin of Niall last year in Rio!!). As we exit the airport we wave to the Enisei team who travelled with us, and have our first taste of the minus 12 degree weather. After nearly 24 hours indoors we think it’s grand, not too bad at all!!

Russian drivers are mad. The frozen roads are gritted and vehicles have studded tyres for grip and they speed along, weaving in and out so close we can shake hands with the other drivers..

As we check-in to the hotel we meet the Connacht team getting ready for a press conference, meet William Davies who has organised our Friday Tour, arrange for the Connacht flag to be hoisted outside the hotel, r&r for a short while, and are spirited downtown by the ever-helpful  Zhanna for a walk by the river. Now we recognise the cold..  even multi-layers are no protection, be-gloved hands start to freeze and every breath is chilling. We don’t last long outdoors. As we enter a restaurant we note the door handles are heated, sit, and discover the seats are warmed, and feast on a wonderful meal. During the trip we have beef, venison, fish, reindeer, boar and a great array of veg. –all first class.

Friday morning two more arrive and immediately join us, along with the short-hop from Moscow traveller- our embassy has circulated about our trip and a few will join us-  on the 10-Rouble Tour of the area, so-called because featured on the 10R note is Saint Paraskeva Pyatnitsa Orthodox Chapel, which is a symbol of Krasnoyarsk, Communal Bridge over the Yenisey River and the view of the Right Bank of the city. On the back of the note is the Krasnoyarsk Hydro Electric Power Station - one of most powerful in the world. At the War Museum we witness the Changing of the Guard (every 15 mins due to temperature which is a healthy minus 15), and lunch at the nearby National Park Restaurant.

Later Zhanna and friends collect us and drive downtown to a pre-match evening with Enisei Supporters. Language poses no barrier as translators are strategically placed among us and mobile phone translators are put to use. Common ground is food, pints, chatter and rugby. Gifts are exchanged and the evening continues into the small hours. They think we’re mad travelling so far for a match, we agree and say the Irish think we are too, but what the heck we’re the most westerly team and they the most easterly, we’re from Cromwell’s ‘To hell..’ they from the gulags, we’re all great pals as we finish up.

Match Day- temperature fluctuates from minus 17 to minus 27. Ours numbers have increased- plus 2 from home, plus 2 from the Embassy and Zhanna and 2 friends wear green. All 17 of us head out. The team is on the pitch and we query the safety and sanity of playing in these conditions. We few, we precious few cheer, sing ‘The Fields’ , and roar the lads on. The Enisei fans are mesmerised, local tv interviews us, at half-time they arrange for after-match exchange of flags, scarves, whatever. We run on the spot to keep warm, offer William a hand-warmer to defrost his mobile so he can continue his Galway Bay FM radio coverage, test the hip flasks, carry on cheering as Connacht earns the 5 points with a great 14:31 win. Later we gather round (heated indoors) and see the team off. Captain Mul invites us to a quick post match reception but the necessity for food prevails, we wave our goodbyes and head back to our hotel to disrobe of our many layers.

A final meal with Zhanna and friends and we return to pack- the great migration begins Sunday at 5am and will continue with departures to Monday- a few hours sleep and off again. News is out the Connacht team is stranded, the charter was unable to leave, the last shall be first and the first shall be last.. The Clan 12 are all home by Tuesday and the team is still travelling…. For Pat Lam it’s the stuff of nightmares..

The Road to Siberia (Round trip approx 16000 kms) was one of the most enjoyable and memorable I’ve been on (and all others have been good!). The welcome and hospitality shown by Zhanna and the Enisei supporters was second to none. Go again? Would love to – but NOT for a match in November.

A fantastic trip, so privileged to have been on it, the memories will live on….

Roll on the next trip.... all the way to Thomond!

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